Controlling Mosquitoes and Their Stings

Though its hardly an issue, it is a pet peeve of many pest control technicians; so lets get this straight once and for all: mosquitoes do not bite, they sting, much like a bee would.

There, that being said, the important issue here is the effect of those stings. Mosquitoes carry a high number of diseases that include malaria, dengue fever, and west nile virus that have collectively killed more people on earth than any other living creature. While 2,900 people are killed by hippos every year, a million more die from malaria spread by mosquitoes in any given year. It should go without saying that preventing mosquitoes from stinging you should be a priority and not just to avoid the inconvenience of uncomfortable itching.

Obviously to avoid being stung the first step would be to try to rid your outdoor areas of mosquitoes. As a top-rated local® choice formosquito control in Andover, Mosquito Enemy can rid the area of ticks and mosquitoes with professional products and techniques. But you can reduce the numbers of pests also by removing any areas of standing water where mosquitoes love to breed.

Mosquitoes are particularly irritated by citronella. Try burning citronella candles while enjoying outdoor activities. Apply either chemical-based repellents that contain DEET or more natural options that show some effect against pests like tea tree oil or vitamin B. Wear loose, long-sleeved shirts and long pants leaving less open skin for mosquitoes to feed upon. Make sure to wear light-colored clothes as dark colors absorb more heat and body heat attracts more pests. Stay away from flooded areas with standing water. Try to avoid being outdoors during peak mosquito times which are early morning and the twilight hours.

Eliminating mosquitoes from your outdoor areas can be accomplished with regular mosquito control treatments and goes far in protecting your family from their nasty stings.
