CDC Zika Update

CDC  Spring update on  zika it is alive and doing well. Even though we have not heard of zika in the news lately, Novemer thru January  is a quiet time as mosquito activity is very low do to the cooler months.  The CDC has reported over 4000 new cases in U.S. Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa during this same time frame.  Experts have said zika has not been eliminated from 18 Countries and 30 Carribean Islands. Zika virus gives us more reason for caution then others, as it is near impossible to contain it geographically such as West Nile Virus, Triple E, Dungea and Chikungunya are.

CDC is warning of the possibility of a zika outbreak coming this Spring and Summer months thru out the US to include Essex and Middlesex Counties in Massachusetts. There is no vaccine if you contract the zika virus.

Mosquito Protection

You can protect yourself and your family against mosquito bites with these few steps below:

  1. Hire a professional licensed and insured company to do scheduled barrier treatment sprays and to your yard. Also larvae treatments if needed.
  2. Stay indoors at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are their most active however zika virus mosquitoes are active day and night.
  3. If you must go outdoors wear long sleeves and pants.
  4. Spray or rub onto clothing and exposed skin a Deet Product to repel mosquitoes from biting you.
  5. Purchase Permethrin-treated clothing they will protect you even after several machine washings.
  6. Keep all window screens in good repair and closed if not needed and use air conditioning.
  7. Remove all standing water from your yard.Tip over all buckets,flower pots,bird baths,old tires, kid toys,pools and wheel barrows.
  8. Fill in low areas in your yard especially at the bottom of your down spouts.
  9. Check your roof gutters and keep them free of debris.