How Do Mosquitoes Over Winter ?

It depends upon their Sub Family as to how they will overwinter.

Culex, Anopheles and Uranotaenia overwinter as adults.

While Culiseta, Wyeomyia, Orthopodomyia and Mansonia,overwinter as larvae.

Aedes overwinter as eggs.

No Mosquitoes overwinter as pupae.

This information is important to know when and how to treat for mosquitoes in your yard. Some of these sub families only lay eggs once a year while others can be non-stop till the first killing frost. Some will live only a month while others can live up to several months as adults. Each Sub family is responsible for certain Viruses it passes onto humans and dogs. Such as Triple E, Maleria, Dengue, Yellow Fever, West Nile Virus and Heart Worm. Not all mosquitoes will feed on humans. As you can see there is much to know about their biology so that a detailed and effective program can be tailored to your specific needs.

Almost all Mosquitoes are a nuisance bothering us while we are trying to enjoy the outdoors. This is why you need to hire an educated and licensed professional to treat your yard against these pests.