Mosquito Prevention For Spring thru Fall 2014
Here are a few tips on what you can do to help reduce the population of mosquitoes in your yard.
- Did you know that just a bottle cap left full of water is a potential birth place for 200 mosquitoes every 4 to 7 days?
- Remove excessive grass clippings, leaves and tree limbs from your yard.
- Tip over kids toys,flower pots or empty those old tires full of water just laying around outside every 4 days.
- Toss Tarps that are covering the wood pile, boats, cars, motor homes, equipment etc. Need to be emptied of standing water every 4 days. One way to achieve this is by making sure they are stretched taut, if not they are holding water.
- Empty house gutters so there is no standing water left in them.
- Call Mosquito Enemy at 978-363-2222 and schedule a Mosquito barrier spray by a licensed technician to achieve mosquito control in Andover, MA and surrounding cities and towns.