
Are you enjoying your free time in your yard mosquito and tick free? If you answered no isn’t it time you started to? With all the local news lately on zika, chikungunya, and west nile virus to name a few of the mosquito viruses going around. It is easier then ever today to get control of these along with tick borne viruses with proper Integrated Pest Management (IPM) along with a all-natural or synthetic pesticide program.

IPM is something you can start doing yourself immediately to reduce the population of mosquitoes and ticks. Mosquitoes need water and warmth to hatch into enormous numbers on your property. Remove all exterior water holding areas and you have just saved yourself a lot of misery. Tip over those kids toys and pools once a week. Empty flower pots standing water, old tires and dog dishes. Look for buckets or a wheel barrow holding water tip all of them over. Have any tarps covering stuff like firewood, boats etc? If so pull them tightly to remove any pockets of water on them. Even your gutters need attention, make sure there is no debris in them and check that water is not puddling at the down spouts. All these areas need your attention all summer long, Tip, toss and turn over weekly.

Ticks love leaf and wood clutter areas. Rake all bark mulch and leaves 1 foot from foundation of your home. Rake and remove leaves from your property, to include the boundary as well. Keep brush and leaf piles off your property if possible.

Now it’s  time to hire a licensed and trained professional to apply barrier spray treatments to the harborage areas of both mosquitoes and ticks to further reduce the populations on your property. Special attention will be given to wet areas especially standing water such as ponds or streams.

Together we can assure you of a mosquito and tick free yard.