Mosquito and Tick Control
Looking for relief from mosquitoes and ticks this year? Imagine for a moment sitting out in the evening on your deck enjoying your favorite beverage mosquito and tick free! Let’s explore what you can do to achieve a Spring and Summer like never before mosquito and tick free in your own yard. There are several ways of attacking this problem, let’s explore them together.
First you have the IPM or Integrated Pest Management program.
Tip over all buckets, kids toys/pools and wheel barrows once a week or just after a rainfall.

Toss away any debris on your property that is holding water such as old tires and junk
Pull tight all tarps that might be withholding water.
Check your gutters and keep free of debris. Fill in any low spots in your yard to keep water draining away from your property.
Rake all leaves off your lawn to include 5 feet off your lawns edge into the wooded areas.
Keep debris 1 foot away from your house foundation.
Keep all brush piles off your property if possible.
Stack firewood away from your homes foundation.
Second you should hire a professional licensed and insured company such as Mosquito Enemy to expedite barrier spray treatments on a regular basis to the harborage areas of mosquitoes and ticks in your yard. These treatments are done with either all-natural oils or synthetic pesticides both are safe around children and pets. These treatments will only eradicate the adult stage of the mosquitoes and ticks.
Third have the same company treat the standing water sites on or near your property. This will stop the first 3 cycles of the mosquitoes life cycle. There are several means to accomplish these treatments. Mosquito Enemy will be happy to discuss your unique situation and witch treatments are right for you.
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