Tick Prevention In Your Yard


cta2-150x772014 tick season is almost upon us.  Here is a list of tick control prevention in Andover and surrounding towns that you can start doing to help reduce tick populations in your yard.

  • Remove leaf litter in your yard.
  • Clear all tall grass and brush
  • Maintain a 3 foot wide barrier zone with wood chips, stone or gravel where your lawn meets allwooded areas.
  • Keep your lawn mowed frequently.
  • Remove all old furniture and trash from your yard that allows the ticks a great place to hang out.
  • Install and or keep fencing in repair that helps to keep deer, stray dogs and other wild life from entering your yard.
  • Keep playgrounds decks and patios away from wooded edges.
  • Have Mosquito Enemy inspect and treat your yard for ticks with their Licensed and Insured Technicians. Using  the safest EPA approved products for your family and yourself.