Topsfield, MA – Mosquito Control

As this summer season continues to heat things up you may feel tempted to grab a cold beer out of the fridge or cooler. But, with the seasonal mosquito population hitting its peak, it might be best to put that urge on ice. Recent studies suggest that beer drinkers are in for some bad news, mosquitoes would like nothing more than for you or a friend to enjoy a cool pint on a hot summer day.

Research from several sources, including the Journal of American Mosquito Control Association, have determined that the likelihood of being bit by a mosquito can jump up from having just a single cold. Though researchers are not sure why exactly mosquitoes find alcohol so attractive, discoveries reveal that imbibing the alcoholic equivalent of three cans of beer can lead to 30 percent more bug bites—at least for those who participated in the controlled laboratory setting.

Though the exact reasons a mosquito might seek you out for enjoying your alcoholic beverage of choice are unclear, researchers currently posit that beer consumption induces changes in breath and odor markers that increase one’s attractiveness to mosquitoes. Additional information further postulates on the idea that mosquitoes preference for beer drinkers may be linked to alcohol’s effect on movement, carbon dioxide production, reduced host defensive behaviors, or even highly nutritious blood-meals. You’re less likely to effectively swat away or even notice mosquitoes after a few pints and mosquito bites could remained unnoticed until your buzz subsides.

Mosquitoes are no light weights themselves. Mosquitoes have a special enzyme that helps them break down alcohol before it hits their nervous system, helping them them get a drink out of you under the table. This enzyme is useful for mosquitoes in other ways as well. Mosquitoes are known to feed on fermenting fruits, which contain fairly high amounts of alcohol. Though it depends on your size and weight, the human body actually can’t take more than 0.3% alcohol. Drinking heavy quantities of alcohol can be fatal. Mosquitoes, on the other hand, have been recorded of withstanding vapor concentrations of 60 percent alcohol. Just to be sure, this information is not a challenge.

The team here at Mosquito Enemy wishes you a happy and safe summer, so remember to drink responsibly. If mosquitoes are bothering you and your loved ones contact Mosquito Enemy at to get a quote for a single application or join the full program today.