
Essex County’s mosquito control division has a limited budget for spraying and fogging in Lynnfield Ma. If you desire a consistent and regular mosquito control program for your property you must look at other options. To date Essex County doesn’t offer any tick control treatment programs to the public.

First things first, you can help yourself with mosquito control just by ridding your yard of water holding areas. This practice  is better known as Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Proper and weekly IPM will reduce the sheer numbers of mosquitoes from your property. Mosquitoes need water plus warm temperatures in order for their eggs to hatch. You need to reduce and eliminate the amount of water yourself on a weekly schedule. Tip over and empty buckets, lids, kids toys, dog dishes and flower pots. Keep all tarps pulled tight.Inspect all gutters for proper drainage and to keep debris out of them. Look closely at how the water runs away from gutters. Do not use corrugated pipe to direct water away from your home, these pipes are home to thousands of mosquitoes. If you have a pond on your property aeration (water fountains) helps stop mosquitoes from laying their eggs in water.

As for ticks  keep all leaves and brush picked up off your lawn areas. Rake back all property edges 5 feet, keep firewood piles away from your home and off the ground.

Just these few steps will have a huge impact on the reduction of mosquitoes and ticks on your property.   There are many ways to achieve your mosquito and tick free yard.  All-Natural products act as a repellant while Synthetic Pesticides will eradicate them. Your family and pets safety of either All-Natural or Synthetic Pesticides lies with you. I do want you to rest assure both are very safe. Hire a licensed professional skilled in mosquito and tick barrier spraying and water management treatments to rid your yard of the remainder.